Saturday, March 16, 2013

Making Sushi x Art Book!

photo by Mino Inoue

Sushi x Artの本を制作中。




I am making Sushi x Art book.
My favorite photographer Mino took photos for it and I am editing now... 
I am trying to release before the summer!

This photo is White-inari and Black inari. 
I cooked Beats sushi, circle vegetable oshi-zushi etc... I am very excited to release! 
It will be self published book.

Recently, I've been busy and I couldn't cook so much. Simply miso-soup and white rice. 
In Japan, there are a lot of convenience stores and you can buy bento box or sweets anytime. But NY doesn't have so many of them. It force me to cook and I think it is good. 
One of a reason I like cooking is that I can be blank brain ( or just thinking about cooking)  while I am cooking. One of relaxing time.

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